Our Human Rights Policy

The Human Rights Policy, approved in December 2023, reaffirms and focuses the commitment undertaken by Acea towards the protection of people's fundamental rights, already expressed in the Code of Ethics, and represents the specific reference to promote full respect for human rights in the activities managed by the Group. Our Policy is based on the most important international documents on the matter, such as those of the UN, OECD, ILO and the Global Compact, as well as on the internal regulatory requirements already in force at Acea, including those focused on equality, diversity and inclusion, anti-corruption, fair competition, protection of privacy, and evaluation of supplier performance.

The Human Rights Policy identifies two relevant macro-areas, in which a total of 20 principles are set out:

  • Work – this area relates to the internal dimension of the company, focusing on the protection of workers' fundamental rights, including basic principles such as the refusal of forced labor, the guarantee of adequate working conditions and wages, as well as the freedom of association and collective bargaining. Additionally, more advanced issues of the matter are considered, such as the enhancement of skills, employee well-being, and diversity and inclusion policies.
  • Community, Society and Environment – this area focuses on the external dimension of the company, enhancing the positive impact that the safeguard of human rights generates on people and the area, from the access to adequate services to the health and safety of customers, including consumer protection, privacy, fair competition, and environmental protection.

The Policy applies both in Italy and to Group companies operating abroad. The recipients are the members of the Governance and Control Bodies of Acea SpA and the other Group companies, the managers, employees, collaborators and suppliers linked to the Group by contractual relationships, in the context of the activities carried out and within the limits of their respective responsibility.

In order to ensure the effective implementation of the Policy, in addition to the adequate dissemination of the document among internal and external stakeholders, the Group will implement a specific risk assessment process, use dedicated monitoring tools and set up a reporting channel dedicated to potential violations (whistleblowing).


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